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A data management platform (DMP) uses a combination of first-party, second- party and third-party data to create a target audience, build campaigns aimed at those audiences and measuresthe accuracy of each campaign. A formalised document that New Zealand businesses can use toguide its marketing strategy, a key function of a DMP is its ability to pull data from a range ofdifferent sources.

DMPs = Cohesion

The typical NZ business sends a variety of communications to consumers using numerous channelsincluding display, email, social, direct mail and others. Each channel delivers data that's fragmentedbecause of the different degrees of personalisation and segmentation that are necessary to appealto that particular audience.

DMP as a Marketing Strategy

Perhaps because of the formality of the phrase "digital management platform," sometimes abusiness can become confused and think that this should outline and define their marketingstrategy. Instead, it's best to think about a DMP as being a tool that can help NZ businessesachieve their desired strategy.

Not only does a DMP need to bring all the ideas that a business implements together in one place,it also must be able to make sense of the data that those ideas generate. A DMP is a complex andliving plan that is a tool that is used to organise a strategy, analyse the data the is delivered andrefine the strategy going forward to better meet the business's goals.

DMPs Marry Analytics with Strategy

A DMP is an all-encompassing plan that is applicable to all levels of a business. Management uses aDMP to identify the role of each group and define the methods they use when working with data.Using this information, a DMP is built using the data gathered as part of a comprehensive andunified marketing strategy appropriate for use across multiple channels.

Its ability to use the data gathered by a DMP to generate different audience segments helps theNZ market more sharply define its focus. It's up to the business itself, though, to define how itsaudiences need to be prioritised to best meet its goals.