NFC in Advertising
Near field communication (NFC) is a fairly underutilized technology that has the potential toseamlessly connect print advertising with its digital counterparts in such a way that the NewZealand market will never be the same. While adoption -- and even awareness of it -- has beenquite slow, this will inevitably change as businesses continue to struggle to convert offlineconsumer engagement to its online counterparts.
NFC: Taking Interactivity to a Whole New Level
While techniques that attempt to capture an increasingly-mobile NZ audience via print advertisingwith the use of technologies like QR codes have seen lackluster success at best, NFC promises tostreamline the process. By reducing the time and steps it takes for a consumer to connect printadvertising with its digital equal, NFC meshes well with a society that's always on the go.
NFC Effortlessly Connects Print and Digital
Imagine an event such as a New Zealand music festival that's projected to have thousands ofattendees. A local beverage company wants to increase awareness of its brand so it develops printadvertising that is strategically placed near where attendees are known to congregate. NFCtechnology can be used to foster consumer engagement by allowing those at the festival to tap thedisplay with their mobile devices. This action results in that person landing on a specific webpagethat contains an exclusive mobile coupon that can only be used at that venue.
NFC Harnesses Existing Power
The beauty of NFC is that its technology is already present in many of today's mobile devices,making it easy for consumers to engage. In New Zealand, businesses of all sizes need to becomeaware not only of the technology but also of its far-reaching implications.
Already large global firms are making use of this technology. One case in point is the partnershipsthat Visa forged to make the 2016 Olympics in Brazil one of the most connected games ever.Centered on making financial transactions easier for attendees, Visa provided a few wristbands toselect people that enabled them to make payments without the need for an interaction with avendor. The Olympic athletes were issued NFC-enabled rings so they could make contactlesspayments as well.
The possibilities are nearly infinite when it comes to integrating NFC technology with NZbusinesses. The result? More intuitive and seamless consumer engagement that solidifies theconnection between print and digital in a natural way.