How Voice Activated Robots Can Help Brands

How Voice Activated Robots Can Help Brands


The advantages of voice activated command-and-search features hit the mainstream in the recentpast, and the world never looked back. Alexa, Amazon and Google all put their bids in. Along witha considerable amount of market share, they all took what we thought of the technology to thenext level. Voice search is faster, more natural and easier to implement than the visual options thatwere being explored before by tech giants and geniuses.

The next step forward that has everyone excited is the voice activated robot. This gives companiesthe ability to capture even more business at the so called "moment of inquiry" (also known as themicro-moment) that includes the instant when a customer decides to convert a need into a realdecision to make a purchase.

The idea for these robots may come straight out of an episode of The Jetsons. However, the realityof the voice activated robot may look quite different from the expectations of the average person.

First, voice activated robots will likely be integrated into the Internet of Things that is findingtraction in the mainstream. This means that robots will take the form of everyday appliances. Notonly will households of the future have walkaround robot maids, but there will also be robots in theinfrastructure of the refrigerator, the toaster and even the light switches. You will be able to controlthese robots from remote locations as well - the modern security company has alreadyincorporated this technology into the car and home alarms of today.

How will this new technology be able to help brands? The benefits are twofold. On the supply side,productivity will increase in the same way that robot AI would improve the productivity of ahousehold. Processes are done with more efficiency with no need to compensate for human error.Multitasking becomes par for the course. Prioritization is less necessary, because robots don'tforget.

On the customer facing side, the voice activated robot actually becomes a tool for integration intothe lives of customers. Products will come fully compatible with voice command options andintegration into home security and entertainment systems. The brands that look to become "appbuilders" for the IoT households and companies of the future will experience a great deal ofsuccess. Brands will build their names on how integrated they are into the new world of AI andmachine learning.

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