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Why Did Google Rebrand?

Google has perhaps the most complex group of ad products in the world, so a rebranding is nosmall task. Recently, AdWords became Google Ads; the company announced Display & Video 360under the Google Marketing Platform; and the Google Ad Manager was introduced to combinethe company's tools for monetization.


Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google's senior vice president for advertising, recently explained the changesin a press conference. At that event, he stated that Google had been privy to years of feedbackthat Google's expanding library of products was becoming more confusing for advertisers.

Google acquired many of its properties through acquisitions. As it built up its toolset, theorganization of the collective suffered. The rebranding was first made to clear up any confusionabout the names of certain products and what they do for advertisers.

However, the total change is more than a simple name rebranding. Google is launching a numberof new products, the most important of which may be Smart Campaigns. This will serve as thedefault mode for advertisers in the small business space from now on. Google clients will now beable to identify prioritized actions, then optimize text and images through Google Ads.

Dan Taylor, Google's Managing Director for Platforms, stated that the changes were necessary tomove Google forward into a new world of collaboration. This is the reason for the IntegrationsCenter within the Marketing Platform - a place where marketers can view the complex connectionsbetween their Google tools. Taylor also stated that the new changes would allow Google tools tobetter integrate with third party ad exchanges.

Both executives say that the changes will not change the core functionality of Google's toolset. Thelook of certain tools may change, however. Google is committed to removing overlap betweentools and organize each property into its optimized form.

As with most changes with Google, the company definitely reserves the right to change pace astime goes on. Taylor himself said that the changes will roll out slowly and be subject to criticism ofthe advertisers who brought the organizational problems to the company's attention in the firstplace.